Bulk T-Shirts for the Homeless

The holidays are always a great time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves.  In a season where we receive, it is just as important to give back.  And nothing makes you feel better than giving to those less fortunate.  An organization in our area that does a great job with this is the Atlanta Mission.    Established in 1938, the mission provides emergency shelter, job attainment, and transitional housing to more than 950 homeless men, women and children daily.  That is an amazing amount of people that they can help each day.  Think about it, 950 every day!!As you can imagine, many of these people need clothing and that is where we come in.  Just two weeks ago, we were able to donate over 200 bulk t-shirts for the homeless.   We were able to provide shirts for all age levels…..men’s, women’s, and kid’s tees.  “Helping any cause is great, but being able make an impact in our local community is even more special.  We are fortunate to have a product that people need (blank t-shirts) and we feel it is our duty to give back to our community” said Cort Adair, Co-Owner of The Adair Group.    We look forward to working with not only the Atlanta Mission but also many other great causes in the future.  If you have a non-profit organization that would like to be considered for a t-shirt donation, please visit Our T-shirt Causes section of our website.  Nothing is more satisfying to us than giving back to the community.

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